Chintamani Transport Service is an effort that was put forth in the year 1987. We are a Transport service provider company delivering reliable and efficient transportation services over the years. We provide trucks and trailers for delivering goods of all sizes and heavy materials from one place to another. Our USP are that we do timely delivery of goods, door to door transport facilities, tamper proof vehicle locking systems, GPS tracking systems and round the clock service facility.
Chintamani since its inception has grown manifold by leaps and bounds and we are indebted to our clients for their faith in us.
Services Offered by Chintamani Transport Service :
Door to Door delivery of goods
Round the clock service facilities
GPS tracking system
Temper proof vehicle locking systems
Contact Us :
Chintamani Transport Service
29/21/1, Ambegaon Budruk,
Katraj Dehu Road,
Pune - 411 046,