Spicer Adventist University, Pune, the flagship of Seventh-Day Adventist higher education in the Southern Asia region, is an approved University established vide the Government of Maharashtra Act XIV of 2014. The University provides a qualitative system of education that adequately equips students with requirements for a successful life. It strives to create a conducive atmosphere where learning is an enjoyable experience and attempts to produce graduates with commitment to unselfish service to God and man.

The history of Spicer Adventist University, though apparently brief, is the culmination of a kaleidoscopic saga, about a century old. Established as a training school in 1915, this institution has grown gradually to an institution of higher learning offering graduate and postgraduate courses. It has been a chosen destination for aspiring students from all over India as well as around the world who represent over 40 countries and 60 languages. Spicer graduates feature in various important positions in all parts of India and various countries.